World Book Day - 6th March

Student Voice

Student Voice at Manor Green College

Our school council is a formal group of pupils who act as representatives of their classmates in discussing school issues with the lead teacher for Student Voice, supported by one of our Pastoral Support Officers.

Within the school curriculum, one of the key areas of the ‘Learning for Life’ theme is active participation. Our School council teaches young people about democracy, local and global citizenship and accountability.

Students are elected to represent the views of all pupils and also to improve our College. 

Jade Burling Dell

Student Voice Lead

Jason Sparks

Student Voice Lead

They do this through a variety of ways:

  • They represent the school at outside events and complete questionnaires and feedback for projects or recruitment.
  • The school council meets once every half term to discuss and sort out problems. These could include school lunches, behaviour or ideas for fundraising events.
  • Members of the school council are responsible for carrying out the ideas that have been agreed upon, such as planning discos, presenting information to their class, or meeting with catering staff.
  • Each year, every class will normally elect two representatives to be members of the school council.
  • Every summer there is a special reward trip for the class representatives. In 2023 it is to see the ‘Van Gogh Alive!’ interactive exhibition at Brighton Dome.
  • We hold ballot elections for West Sussex Youth Council and Crawley Young Persons Council (CYPC) and we currently have 3 students from Manor Green College that have been elected onto the CYPC. These students hold the post for two years and help to promote the voice of SEN students in our town.

At MGC we are proud of all our students who take on leadership rolespromote the voice of the student body, problem solve together and create impact for their community.