World Book Day - 6th March

3D Design & Technology

3D Design & Technology learning at Manor Green College supports students to learn practical skills they can use in the classroom and throughout their lives. Using designers and artists as inspiration students research, design, make and evaluate. Lessons and activities focus on creative problem-solving and developing solutions using both imagination and technical knowledge.

Aligned to the Skills Builder approach, lessons consolidate the problem solving, creativity, staying positive and aiming high skills to support a student’s wider learning.

Where possible and appropriate, projects are linked to a class or groups learning topic, ensuring projects are relevant and purposeful and to promote student engagement.

3D Design Technology lessons will….

  •          Introduce and build on transferable skills and techniques for working with real tools, equipment, a range of materials and computer aided design;
  •          Provide opportunities for the investigation and evaluation of a range of familiar products;
  •          Enable students to think creatively and try out new ideas, methods and techniques;
  •          Allow students time to evaluate their product and suggest changes or improvements.


In Key Stage 4 some students have the opportunity to study towards a GCSE in Three-Dimensional Design (Art) and the option is always popular. Following the Eduqas awarding body, students produce a portfolio of personal work over the two-year course, as well as a final 3D piece based on a theme. Over two years students design, prototype and model/make primarily functional and aesthetic consumer products, objects, and environments. Students undertaking the Three-Dimensional Design title are required to fulfil four assessment objectives. Critical understanding, creative making, reflective recording and personal presentation.

Areas of study include (but are not limited to):

• Architectural design

• Interior design

• Product design

• Exhibition design

• Environmental/landscape design

• Sculpture

• Design for theatre, film and television

• Jewellery and body adornment

• Ceramics.