Social stories are short descriptions of a particular situation, event or activity, which include specific information about what to expect in that situation and why.
Social stories can be used to:
- develop self-care skills (for example, how to clean teeth, wash hands or get dressed) and social skills (for example, sharing, asking for help, saying thank you, interrupting).
- help someone to understand how others might behave or respond in a particular situation
- help a person to cope with changes to routine and unexpected or distressing events (for example, absence of teacher, moving house, thunderstorms)
- provide positive feedback to a person about an area of strength or achievement in order to develop self-esteem
- as a behavioural strategy (for example, what to do when angry, how to cope with obsessions).
Social stories present information in a literal, 'concrete' way, which may improve a person's understanding of a previously difficult or ambiguous situation or activity. The presentation and content can be adapted to meet different people's needs.
They can help with sequencing (what comes next in a series of activities) and 'executive functioning' (planning and organising).
By providing information about what might happen in a particular situation, and some guidelines for behaviour, you can increase structure in a person's life and thereby reduce anxiety.