World Book Day - 6th March


At Manor Green College, we are driven by providing all of our students with the knowledge and skills they need in order to move successfully on to their next steps, whether that's their next year group, to our FE department, to one of our local Further Education colleges, or out into the workplace. Students learn how to apply functional Maths skills in real-world contexts through Life Skills sessions out in the community, giving students a greater understanding of why we learn Maths. In Key Stage 4, students in Generic and Modular pathways have the opportunity to gain Entry Level and Foundation GCSE accreditations, which help to demonstrate a commitment to learning which supports college applications at the end of Year 11.
As a general rule, we follow the White Rose Maths curriculum plan in order to deliver units of work. However, all of our students are individuals and this approach doesn't work for everyone! In our High Needs and Class Based classes, our specialist staff deliver an informal or semi-formal curriculum in which learning opportunities are offered in a variety of innovative and engaging ways - you're unlikely to see a typical 'Maths lesson' here. In our Generic and Modular classes, our teams offer a more formal curriculum model based on the primary National Curriculum, delivering systematic and highly-structured lessons to develop mathematical skills and mathematical thinking. This is built upon in Life Skills sessions, applying learning in real-life contexts, understanding the functional skills required in order to engage with tasks out in the community with confidence and success. In Key Stage 4, students develop the more formal skills required to complete exams and tests through the Entry Level and Foundation GCSE programmes, which support students as they move into Further Education at college.
Students at Manor Green College develop skills which prepare them for life after Manor Green. They develop an understanding of practical Maths in a range of contexts so that they can link existing learning opportunities with new ones in the future. Our students go on to their destinations equipped with qualifications in-line with their current levels of attainment, whether that is Entry Level or a Foundation GCSE, which enables them to continue their learning journey beyond Year 11. Everyone at Manor Green College has the opportunity to access their learning in a safe, appropriate and highly-supportive environment which fosters an enjoyment of exploration and investigation, whether that's through play, through discrete Maths lessons, or through Science, Technology and the Arts.