World Book Day - 6th March

Intensive Interaction

Intensive Interaction is an approach that is used to develop positive social communication with people who have communication or social impairments. It is a social communication approach that is most often used with people who have severe or profound and multiple learning difficulties.

The approach focuses on using the ‘Fundamentals of Communication’ as a means of establishing and developing improved social communication exchanges.

These are the social communication capabilities of:

  • developing the ability to attend to another person
  • using and understanding eye contacts and facial expressions
  • learning to share personal space
  • using and understanding sociable physical contacts
  • using vocalisations with meaning (for some, speech development)
  • taking turns in exchanges of behaviour, and/or sequencing a social exchange with another person
  • enjoying being with another person


Usually used in combination, the techniques below are the social communication practices used within Intensive Interaction engagements:

Sharing personal space

Vocal echoing

Behaviour mirroring

Physical Contact

Making or exchanging eye contact

Exchanging facial expressions

Joint focus activity

Turn taking

Using ‘running commentaries’