World Book Day - 6th March

Fine Art & Photography

All students at Manor Green College enjoy timetabled Art lessons. We are committed to an anti-ableist approach that values disability as an intrinsic part of a creative exploration. Our Head of Art, Vanessa Dell, was part of a working party advancing anti-ableist pedagogy, culminating in a special edition of AD Magazine for the Autumn 2022 (produced by National Society for Education in Art & Design).

The art curriculum at Manor Green College covers a broad and inclusive range of disciplines, materials, processes and inspiration. We explore artists and art movements that represent the rich cultural heritage of our planet and offer a diverse range of experiences.

The whole College takes part in the Big Draw, usually during the autumn term. Some classes have the opportunity to work with visiting artists or visit museums and galleries in London and the South East.

For the last few years, our students have submitted work for the Royal Academy Young Person’s Summer show. Two shows have included our students' work.

At Key Stage 4, all students have the opportunity to continue with art, depending on pathways, they will leave with either an Arts Award or GCSE in Art or Photography. For GCSE we use the Eduqas awarding body and students produce a portfolio of personal work over the two-year course, as well as producing a final piece of art, sculpture, textiles or photography.

For students that stay on in our FE department for Key Stage 5, and choose Art, they work towards the next level Arts Awards certification, which for some, will be the equivalent of a GCSE award.

The practical and emotive nature of Art allows learners the physical and emotional space to express their identity, to learn to collaborate, to be respectful to the needs of others and acknowledge their own rights.