World Book Day - 6th March

Physical Activity

Students at Manor Green College love physical activity! There are many ways throughout the week that students work on their physical skills
Darren Carrick

PE Subject Leader

Becky Killick

Bikes Lead

Diana Patel

Yoga Specialist

Physical Education
Every class has a timetabled double lesson of PE each and every week. Throughout the year students participate in a range of activities including adapted invasion games, developing movement skills, trampolining and athletics based activities. On site we have an outdoor gym where students can work on their health and fitness.
Students across the college will also work towards accreditations in this subject. These accreditations include the Sports Leader Award, Entry level PE and the Youth Sport Trust Life Skills Award.
Within the college we are fortunate enough to have a range of bikes available for classes to use. Units of work based on cycling may have varying foci with an underlying aim to contribute to lifelong physical activity. Some groups may go out in the community and learn about safe cycling. Other groups use bikes on site and work towards their confidence in mastering the skill of cycling and to develop their gross motor skills.
The 'U' in QUEST stands for Understanding Health. As part of the QUEST curriculum, students will often visit attractions such as National Trust centres, parks and local swimming and leisure facilities. The intention of this is to provide a wide range of opportunities for physical activity now, but work towards a culture of lifelong recreation and the confidence to use public facilities in the future.
Outdoor Education
Within the Outdoor Education curriculum, every student receives the opportunity to be active in the outside world. Whether this is through expeditions on the Duke of Edinburgh award or through the Forest Schools programme, we aim to provide students with the physical and mental health benefits associated with activity outdoors.
Yoga is a unit of work delivered in certain areas of the curriculum. It is also a lunch time club run my Mrs Patel! Both staff and students love the relaxation benefits that Yoga brings!
Extra Curricular and Enrichment Programme
At Manor Green we have a growing extra curricular timetable that offers lunchtime and after school clubs. The majority of these clubs will take place on site, however some clubs at different stages of the year may use public facilities. These include climbing club and the Super 1s cricket club held all year around at K2. Please see the Extra Curricular clubs page for the Autumn Term below.
Alongside the growing offer of extra curricular clubs, we have a growing network of events, tournaments and fixtures. Participation in these opportunities gives students increased experiences in collaborating and competing with similar schools. Examples include the Parallel Youth Games, Table cricket competitions and football tournaments.
Every summer we hold the annual Manor Green College sports day, an exciting day involving the whole college. Additionally in the summer term, each Key Stage hosts their own activities week that provides a whole range of different enriching activities. Many of these will provide new experiences, opportunities to be active and challenge students in their individual ways.