World Book Day - 6th March

Local Offer

Manor Green College Local Offer Statement

Manor Green College is a Local Authority Maintained Special School for students ages 11-19 - (Yr 7 to Yr 14, Key Stages 3,4 & 5), who have a Statement of Special Education Needs (SEN) or an Education Health & Care Plan (EHCP) for Cognition and Learning.  A very large majority of our students also have additional needs such as Neurodevelopment Delay, Autism, ADHD, Speech, Language & Communication Difficulties, Physical or Mobility needs, Sensory impairments, Social, Behavioural and/or Mental Health difficulties and Complex Health needs.


How does the College:



Set the curriculum to meet individual needs

MGC follows the FULL National Curriculum, but draws from both the Primary and Secondary phase programs to accommodate the range of learning needs which are typically between P6 and NC Level 4 but can vary between P1 and NC Level 6. At KS3 Programs of Study are heavily modified, but some KS4 schemes of work will follow Nationally accredited syllabuses, such as Entry Levels and GCSEs.  In FE the curriculum is broadly based around basic skills in communication literacy & numeracy and vocational skills.


Ensure that parents know how much progress their children are making

The College is committed to working in close partnership with parents and promotes regular communication and collaboration.  All students have a home-school diary in which parents are able to engage in a day by day dialogue with class staff.  We are very open to parents contacting individual members of staff or coming into the College to discuss their children’s progress.  The College provides written progress reports at key times throughout the year, and the Annual Review offers a chance for parents to assess the improvements that students are making.


Help parents to support their children’s learning

The college homework policy is highly adaptable and we work closely with parents to ensure that work done at home is manageable and beneficial.  Very few of our students can work totally independently at home so parent’s commitment is essential.  Where this is problematic, the College will amend its short term expectations in order to work towards achieving sustainable long term progress. The College has also had success in developing joint home-school behaviour plans to help support parents managing difficulties at home.


Provide or enable access to non-educational specialist services.


The College both employs its own additional service professionals and has access to support from other agencies.  One of the College's Assistant Headteachers (Grahame Beattie) has the responsibility for developing strong partnerships with other services to ensure that our students and their families get all the help and support that they need.


College Services

External Services

Specialist Paediatric Nurse

Occupational Therapy

Speech & Language Therapy


Social & Caring Services

Family Resource Team

Community Paediatric Consultant and Nursing Team

Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

Music Therapy


Educational Psychology


Ensure that staff have specialist knowledge

The College has a full annual training and development program to which all staff are committed. The impact of training is evaluated through the Staff Performance Management process. The College play a lead role in the Crawley SEN Hub, and College staff are able to access a wide range of training through this forum.


Include every student in activities outside the classroom

The Generic model creates a wide ranging mix of needs within the College and although class groups are set according to a mix of cognitive and social needs, there are many activities that allow for integration of students with disparate needs. In addition the College takes part in external school events whenever the opportunity arises from sporting events to locality and LS School Council meetings.


Ensure full accessibility to the curriculum and facilities

The College was purpose built and is fully DDA compliant.  It provides a very pleasant single storey environment which fully accessible to all students who additional physical and sensory needs. As far as possible, all activities and opportunities are planned to be open to every student, and the College ethos is that, within reasonable practical boundaries, every student has the same entitlement to the curriculum.


Ensure successful transition

The College provides opportunities for parents of Year 5 students to meet with senior staff in order to help start thinking through the difficult decision of age phase transfer to Secondary School.  Once decisions have been made, we will invite parents of students who have a place, into the College during the Summer term to prepare them for the transition.  Students have access to a full transition preparation program throughout the Summer term of Year 6. The College runs an annual ‘Next Steps’ event to which the parents of all local Special Needs students are welcome. The event offers the opportunity to talk with between 20-30 providers of post 16 and post 19 Education and day care provision. Parents of students in Year 10 and Year 13 are supported in making decisions about transitions and the College arranges visits and meetings as required.  Students are given curriculum support to prepare for the transition.


Set its budget and allocate resources to students.

The College receives a base funding £10,000 pa for each student from WSCC.  In addition, we receive a ‘top-up’ for each student directly from the home la.  Other funding includes the KS3&4 Pupil Premium Grant for Children looked after (CLA) and for students who qualify for Free School Meals. Approximately 90% of our budget is allocated to staffing costs and this is by far our most important resource.  Therefore, the main way in which individual students are allocated resource is through the amount of adult support and intervention they receive.  Other areas of the budget cover the cost of curriculum and teaching materials, in addition to an allocation for specialist equipment for which spending is prioritised according to need.


Involve parents

The College holds parent consultation evenings each term. All students have a home-school diary in which parents are able to engage in a day by day dialogue with class staff. In addition, we communicate with parents via phone, e-mail, newsletter and face to face contact throughout the year on a needs led basis. An Annual Review meeting provides parents with the opportunity to formally review progress and help set new objectives for the following year.


Provide further information

Anyone wishing to contact the College for further information can do so by phone:  01293 520351

Or by e-mail:

Or to Samantha Bryant, the Headteachers PA at

Further information can be found in other areas of the College website:

The West Sussex local offer can be accessed at: