World Book Day - 6th March


Music in the Curriculum

The music curriculum is delivered through a variety of activities that suit the needs of the students following different pathways at the college. Always with an emphasis on practical music making, students may indicate their likes and dislikes about musical genres through listening activities and experiences of live musical instruments. Specialist music technology such as the Skoog enable students with physical difficulties to create music on their own or in a group. Students can use their voice and sing during sessions. Students have the opportunity to learn about historical aspects of music as well as explore different genres of music – ancient and modern. Students will learn about the elements of music – rhythm, beat, dynamics and instrumentation – all delivered at a level that suits individuals. Different cultures and backgrounds are also explored through music and dance.

There are a variety of exciting opportunities in music for students to get involved in. Our weekly visiting specialist Adam Gelibrand leads music making across the whole college including samba drumming, use of music technology and recording. His specialist skills, as well as other visitors from West Sussex music service, enable all students to experience high quality music tuition.

The music offer at Manor Green encompasses fun with visiting ensembles and inclusive, community music making opportunities for adults and students alike!

Manor Green Community Sing & Sign Choir

The choir was conceived in summer 2018 as a community choir for students, parents, carers, staff and friends, to which songs are sung and signed in Makaton.  It was launched in November 2018 with the support of a choir leader from West Sussex Music, and our own internal Makaton Sign leader.  The inaugural performance by the 35 member strong choir was at the school’s annual Winter Lights event in December 2018, to which 250+ people were in attendance.

The choir excelled during lockdown and we have a small video here made by Crawley film initiative [see below]. Our performances also feature in all College community events, as videos on Manor Green TV  and we perform regularly for Age UK, Carey House in West Green, Crawley.

Our latest Winter Lights Choir performance was to 650+ attendees.

Aims of the choir

Singing is scientifically proven to be good for you! It lowers stress levels, helps improve breathing and increases memory function.  Learning the songs as a family, can be a fun shared activity, increasing confidence for all.  Singing is such a universal medium, and when you sing together with a crowd it is immensely unifying and joyous!  It doesn't matter how good a singer you are, it's about breathing, lifting your chin-up and lifting your voice.  This choir is about all of this and more.  We are parents, staff and students of special educational needs - we don't get our voice heard very much, this is our opportunity to raise our profile, raise the profile of Makaton signing and do our own small bit in creating a more inclusive version of community.  This choir is for everyone.  There are no auditions and you don't even have to have a child at our school; you just need to be a friend of Manor Green. 

 “Just to let you know that I have just shown D the completed Choir video during my FaceTime session with her and she was so thrilled to see herself when it focused on her signing! Thank you for organising it all. Good luck with the next song, D is looking forward to it!”

Personal Assistant to one of our students.

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